Nutrition For Strong Bones

Bone health is important for all stages of life. There are lots of ways to build and maintain strong bones, particularly through what we put in our bodies.

  • Eat those vegetables! Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that help produce bone-forming cells, increase bone density and help repair damage. Green and yellow vegetables provide excellent support for healthy bones, which is particularly important for youth, young adults and older women.
  • Protein is important for healthy bones, especially as you get older. Choose lean meats, like chicken pr turkey breast, and other high protein foods including almonds, eggs, tofu, fish, quinoa, and nut butters.
  • Calcium is an important mineral for bone health. Milk and dairy products are foods that many associate with calcium, but there are many healthy foods that provide plenty of the calcium that we need to maintain and grow strong bones. Green leafy vegetables, soybeans, lentils, figs, oranges, canned salmon, broccoli, baked beans and calcium fortified cereal all provide great sources of calcium for our bodies.
  • Keep in mind some foods actually prevent calcium from being absorbed into your body. Drinks, including alcohol, caffeine and soda can prevent calcium absorption and lead to bone loss.

Source: Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation